10 am | Keynote
The Future of Education starts now
Andrew Ko, Founder of Kovexa, Washington/USA
11 am | Artificial Intelligence
Reinventing the Digital Classroom with Artificial Intelligence
David Kellermann, Senior Lecturer in Engineering at the University of South Wales, Sydney
12 pm | Adaptive Learning
„One size fits all“ is outdated - why the future of learning is adaptive
Daniel Hong, Learning Solutions Architect at Area9 Lyceum GmbH, Leipzig/Germany
2 pm | Virtual Reality
Learn and work with VR/AR today and in the future
Clarence Dadson, Chairman of Extended Reality Bavaria and CEO of Design4real, Munich/Germany
3 pm | Mobile Learning
Insights in Future Learning Scenarios with AR and AI in Physics Education
Stefan Küchemann, Senior Scientist in Physics Education Research, TU Kaiserslautern/Germany
4 pm | Learning Analytics
Storytelling with Data: Use Your Evidence; Use it Effectively
Tonya Riney, Chief Operating Officer, IntelliBoard Inc., Connecticut
Becky Keith, VP-Platforms, IntelliBoard Inc., Connecticut